Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Analyzing the Pressing Issues Described in Ehrlichs...

â€Å"We’re all scared. But we must tell the truth about what’s happening and challenge people to do something to prevent it† – Paul Ehrlich. (Leahy,2013) The future of our planet has been a great concern for the global community for many years. In their article ‘Can a Collapse of Global Civilisation be Avoided?’ Paul and Anne Ehrlich explore the current ecological and socio-cultural trends that they believe, if left untreated, will lead to the inevitable collapse. Unlike past civilizations, the modern global community has the knowledge, skills and technologies to solve the several pressing issues Ehrlich presents in this article. So what are those issues? Since the agricultural revolution, technological developments and advancements have†¦show more content†¦There are at least two billion people are hungry or malnourished and the Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that food production will need to increase by 70% (FAO Report, 2009) to keep up with the demands of a growing population. Overconsumption also contributes to the widening gap. In fact, if every person consumed resources at a US level, four to five more earths would be needed! (Ehrlich, 2013)The article also poses the question of how best to humanely restrict population growth. It is suggested that women should be provided with access to education and all sexually active people are provided with contraception and access to abortions, a decision that would meet much opposition from religious organisations. Finally, Ehrlich discusses the role of the scientific community and the need for global cooperation if anything is to be done. The need for better education is greatly emphasised, not only for the public but also for governments and economists. Collaboration between social scientists and natural scientists is suggested in order to better understand how to facilitate the ‘mobilization’ of society that is required to solve these issues on a global level. Public myths such as the saving powers of technological innovation need to be broken and an emphasis placed on developing ‘foresight intelligence’, which Ehrlich claims will provide the long-term analysis andShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagestwenty-first century, have left their homes every year for more than twenty-four hours and †Å"not more than one consecutive WORLD MIGRATION IN THE LONG TWENTIETH CENTURY †¢ 11 year for leisure, business or other purposes,† as tourists are described by the World Tourism Organization.5 Much of this mobility is a continuation and expansion of practices that have been going on for centuries: travel for trade and business, the colonization of agricultural lands, the movement of soldiers and

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